Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

- Albert Einstein

Where to Begin

STEP ONE: Begin with a vision of the world you want to live in (on a personal and global level) using your values, truths,  and imagination…The power of visualizing can not be overstated. When we can “see” the world we want to live in we facilitate “feeling”  what we see. And if we “feel” it we are more likely to take steps to create it. 

Practice this idea and see what happens. Practice visualizing and imagining something you want to create or remove from your life to facilitate a life/world that better reflects your values and your truths. Develop a practice where you are rehearsing this visualization on a regular basis. Commit to it. Believe in it. And see if you begin to take action to create it in your world.

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