About The Living Organism Project

The Living Organism Project (TLOP) originated out of a conviction to create the world which allows for more and more people to live what I would call the greatest ‘Truth’ of all…The Truth which states that "all human beings are created equal and deserve an equal opportunity to live their truest best lives in this one chance, at this one life in our current form with our current consciousness…and, we are mandated to live in harmony with the larger universe."

The calling to do everything possible to make this happen now, rather than postponing it for some other generation in a distant time down the road….when it may be too late… became so great that the idea for The Living Organism Project solidified and is now here to serve.

As a trained Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of clinical and consultative experience I became convinced that the time is now for all of us to share everything we have to offer to create the world that honors our collective Truth. To that end, I have transitioned out of clinical work and into creating a model for healing to share with any and all in as many ways as possible. In our current environment, the trends in the world seem to be pointing towards a new world of decentralization….the decentralization of money, education, work life, technology and infrastructure….to name a few. So, our purpose here is to decentralize healing in as many ways as possible.

The Living Organism Project is inspired to facilitate healing through sharing and working with individuals and organizations in a variety of forums and formats to discover how to best lead ourselves and carry that into the world to help create a more unified and humane society for all. The more people who live their truth and become their truest best selves through building bridges between different parts of themselves as well as building bridges between each other, the more we create the world we want to live in today and going forward. After all, we are all one, when one of us suffers, we all suffer. When one of us heals we heal each other. By creating bridges between thinking about doing and actually doing we create a bridge to greater healing for one another and the larger universe. In this time of transition, The Living Organism Project invites you to join in imagining the world we want to live in, believe in its possibility and do everything we can to make it a reality.

Fellow World Citizen,
Ahmed Darwish, PsyD, JD
The Living Organism Project